Location and Hours

The HBCU is located in the lower level of City Hall in Huntington Beach. You can find City Hall on the Southeast corner of Main St. and Yorktown Ave. City Hall is across Main St. from Huntington Beach High School.
Huntington Beach Credit Union
2000 Main Street - Rm B272
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Office: (714) 536-6517
Fax: (714) 969-0817
Access your money almost anywhere at one of CO-OP’s nearly 30,000 ATMs including 7-Eleven stores, surcharge free with your HBCU Mastermoney debit card and pin.
Branch Hours
- Monday through Friday: 9 am to 5 pm
2024 Closings
- New Year’s: January 1, 2025
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day: January 20
- Presidents' Day: February 17
- Memorial Day: May 26
- Juneteenth: June 19
- Independence Day: July 4
- Labor Day: September 1
- Columbus Day: October 13
- Veterans Day: November 11
- Thanksgiving: November 27 and 28
- Christmas Eve: December 24 — Close at 1 pm (call before you visit as City Hall will be closed)
- Christmas Day: December 25
- New Year's Eve: December 31 — Close at 1 pm (call before you visit as City Hall will be closed)
- New Year's Day: January 1, 2026